Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Laurel Heights Neighborhood

Laurel Heights United Methodist Church 227 W. Woodlawn, San Antonio, TX, United States

T1NC, neighborhood leaders and residents, city staff, and elected officials will participate in a day focused on four essential topics of conversation. Together we will cover some of the issues and complexities of helping neighbors on the ground and create recommendations to CoSA for improved services. Our panels will focus on Elder Care, Housing, Animal […]

Camp Agape’s Annual 5K

Johnson Park - Marble Falls 230 Ave J, Marble Falls, TX, United States

Money raised through the event allows children to attend summer camp for free.
Awards include a team trophy, medals for the top 3 male and female 5K runners, as well as a youth division. Each pre-registered participant will receive a t-shirt upon check-in. Following the race, there will be a ceremony to celebrate the lives of our loved ones.


Storytelling Power: Oblate School of Theology

Oblate School of Theology 284 Oblate Dr, San Antonio,, TX, United States

Stories create and nourish our communities But when we don’t hear each other properly, stories can also rupture and divide us.Listening deeply and generously to each other’s storiesbrings us back together, and heals our communities.Four of our most respected San Antonio authors will be sharing their wisdomabout the healing that comes through story(and introduce us […]

Empower Parents: Raising Confident & Competent Children Virtual Seminar

Virtual Through ZOOM

We invite you to join us for Raising Confident & Competent Children Virtual Seminar on October 4th, 2022, @ 10:00 am. This event is free and will be virtual, and a zoom link will be provided after registration. Don’t forget to invite your parents and friends to join you! We hope to see Ya’ll there! […]

NAMIWalks Your Way 2022

San Antonio Zoo 3903 N St Mary's Street, San Antonio, TX, United States

NAMIWalks Your Way San Antonio Opening Up to a New Day On your feet, participants! Join us as we step into NAMIWalks Your Way 2022, which promises to be our most meaningful event ever. It’s a new day for mental health, and we will embrace it together on October 8 at the San Antonio Zoo. […]

NAMI Women’s Veterans

NAMI Connection Recovery Support Groups are designed with YOU in mind. The group is led by trained veterans using the nationally acclaimed NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group model. "AIM High", "Army Strong", "Ooh Rah", "Always Ready, Always There!", "Honor, Courage, Commitment", " Not for Self but Country". Now it's time we support you!

NAMI Peer-to-Peer In Person

Peer-to-Peer is a free, 8-week course for adults with a mental health condition. This course meets in person on eight consecutive Tuesdays from 9/20 through 11/8 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm. To register for this course, click on the following link: Registration closes on Sept. 26 or once the course reaches capacity. If you wish […]

Empower Youth After- School Program

Empower House SA 801 N. Olive, San Antonio, United States

Our Empower Youth Development Program is NOW open for all our after-school programming and services from 3 pm – 7 pm, Monday through Friday, @ Lockwood Park! If you’re interested or know a youth who is, fill out the interest form with the link provided, and our staff will be in touch!

Butterfly Brunch

To be announced

Each year, we come together at our Annual Butterfly Brunch to celebrate the work and accomplishments of the Empower House Community and thank our generous donors. Our Butterfly Brunch is also our largest fundraising campaign of the year, bringing in essential funds to sustain our programs and services for the community. This year’s event is […]

It is often easier for us to take in the wisdom we get from others than to acknowledge our own wisdom. Join us as we take the time to give ourselves credit for being wise. OARS in the Water is a facilitated Zoom gathering on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month offered by […]