Real San Antonio Examples Worth Repeating
San Antonians are committed to Community. Through thick and thin. Hot and cold. Hurricanes and pandemics. When we hurt as a community, we come together to heal as a community. And the more we heal in the communities where we live, well, the stronger we become as community across all SATX. Gathering together. Hearing each other’s stories. Speaking out the pain. Taking responsibility for self. Serving others. Joining efforts. Hand in hand. Healing and celebrating when we can!

The Adopt-A-Senior program aims to assist isolated senior citizens living in the San Antonio community. Volunteers can visit seniors in their homes to build relationships across generations and connect them to other resources as needed. AboutOur mission is to provide...

Neighbors Together: National Night Out across All SA
COVID-19 prompts changes to National Night Out celebrations in San Antonio area San Antonio cancels its ‘Neighbors Together’ night, while Converse focused on a central event SAN ANTONIO – National Night Out on Tuesday was a more subdued affair in the San Antonio area...

PorchFest: Alta Vista and Beacon Hill Neighborhoods
Keel In The Hurricane performs live during PorchFest 2017. Credit: Michael Cirlos for the San Antonio Report Nine bands played on nine different house porches Saturday in the first Alta Vista and Beacon Hill PorchFest. More than 100 people showed up to listen to the...

Light the Streets: Jefferson Heights Neighborhood
Traffic was brisk along East Houston street when WestCare Foundation staffers Rosie Baca and Rita Bethany set out on one of their three weekly visits to East Side residents, bearing news of help available in the area. Clipboards in hand, they went door-to-door in the...
Ten Steps to Healing Community

Create safe spaces & people places

Practice listening & name the pain

Provide ways to build relationships

Notice & note what’s happening in our bodies

Encourage breathing through outdoors, humor, etc.

Recognize togetherness among us

Express what’s going on inside us

Express what’s going on outside us

Remember, that being, feeling and thinking together = Community

Remember, hate is not the opposite of love
Love can include hate but is much more interested in growth, wisdom, listening